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Introducing advanced geo and time capabilities on Mona

Introducing advanced geo and time capabilities on Mona

As the use of AI becomes more widespread across various industries, the need to monitor AI-driven applications for anomalies and unexpected behaviors has become increasingly important. Each use case is different and may require a unique set of fields and metrics to effectively identify and surface anomalous behaviors early before business is negatively impacted. At Mona, we are committed to providing the most advanced AI monitoring platform to improve the accuracy and reliability of AI-based systems. We have developed a one-of-a-kind insight generator designed to detect the specific data segment in which the anomaly lies, providing users with the full context of the behavior including possible explanations on why it is occurring. The key to successful AI monitoring lies in the ability to adhere to the intricacies of each use case, providing users with valuable insights to optimize their models and processes. Following numerous user requests, we just enhanced our monitoring capabilities to use geo-location and multiple timestamp fields in any monitoring context.

Introducing automated exploratory data analysis powered by Mona

Introducing automated exploratory data analysis powered by Mona

In today's data-driven world, organizations increasingly rely on data to inform their decision-making, resulting in the need for efficient and accurate data analysis tools. In the last two decades, a plethora of tools for analytics, data science, and BI have been created to meet this need. However, one basic problem in data analysis has remained elusive: the problem of automating multivariate exploratory analysis clearly and free of noise.

The real democratization of AI, and why it has to be closely monitored

The real democratization of AI, and why it has to be closely monitored

In recent years, the topic of AI democratization has gained a lot of attention. But what does it really mean, and why is it important? And most importantly, how can we make sure that the democratization of AI is safe and responsible? In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of AI democratization, how it has evolved, and why it's crucial to closely monitor and manage its use to ensure that it is safe and responsible.